“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”
- carl g. jung

Hello there!
I’m Sarah (she/her) and I believe difficult times can be the catalyst for profound transformation. My own journey began after the birth of my first son. After suffering a four degree tear I felt the contradictions of mothering right from the start: complete joy, overflowing love, mixed with agonizing pain, exhaustion, and uncertainty. With this, my healing began as a whole being experience; mind, heart, soul, and body. This is why I incorporate a body-centered approach to my practice. I have walked the path of inner transformation and can guide you along yours. Together we will take the journey inward and come out with a deeper understanding and a more integrated self. Our work together will leave you feeling more resourced and with a return to wholeness.
For deep thinkers and those curious to explore who they really are.
Build foundational tools to feel more safe and responsive in your body and move out of chronic dysregulation (fight, flight or freeze).
A place to learn, be held, and be ourselves. Join the sisterhood.
I am someone who does ongoing deep personal work to ensure I am working with skill and a high level of personal integrity. I am committed to work that dismantles oppression and racism and will continue to weave this into my professional and personal development as a life long practice.
I am an educator, a life long learner, a mother, a partner, a lover, a friend, a daughter, and a sister. I am in a constant state of transformation and growth. I am a seeker of big open skies, the feeling of the earth under my bare feet, and a lover of dance. My body craves osteopathy and acupuncture and sometimes I dream of becoming either one and moving to NYC. My two sons are my greatest source of inspiration; their persistence, unending love and ability for forgiveness has irrevocably pushed me to be a better human.
MSW // McGill University, Montreal, 2007
BSW, minor in Psychology // Toronto Metropolitan University (formally Ryerson University), Toronto, 2005
Somatic Experiencing SE® Advanced Certified (under the study of Berns Galloway)
Movement for Trauma, Jane Clapp
Reiki Level 3 Practitioner
Registered Social Worker with the OCSWSSW
Member of the OASW